Friday, April 27, 2012


One fun fact that you might not know about me or assume about me, due to my dainty & feminine figure, is that I'm a HUGE sports fan. I LOVE watching basketball on TV. The fast-paced game really keeps my attention unlike that trashy, snoozer of a reality show about those Kardashians. They don't really play sports, although they do date a lot of legit sports players,but that's NOT the same. I also like watching shows with horses & dogs. I try to catch a live game as much as I can. With the rugby season in full swing around these parts and with my dad being a player and all, I've been doing a lot of live viewing. I try to stay in the shade (see photo) when I forget my sunscreen. And if you have to mooch on somebody else's shade in order to protect against the elements - a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do. I have NO IDEA who that guy is giving me a back rub. But hey, nobody's a stranger when they let you use their shade & when they ask your mom if they can give you a back rub because you're so darn pretty & irresistible. I make friends wherever I go. I'm ridiculously popular. Seriously- I have to beat them off with sticks.

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